I love to cook. A friend of mine called me “domestic” in a good way lol once when I made us an elevated fruit salad for lunch one day. So, receipts and cookbooks have a special place in my heart….
A Sunday Routine For A Great Start To YOUR Week
I would highly recommended adopting SUNDAY as your prep and pamper day and this is why… Out of all the days of the week, to me, Sunday always feels the calmest. No matter whats going on. It feels like a…
Best Lipo Option, That’s Not Exactly Lipo
This post is not sponsored by Squlpt or their affiliates, This post is about “Soft Squlpt” a really awesome body shaping procedure that I feel is 10X better than going under the knife with Lipo. It’s safer, way less downtime,…
Top 18 Productivity Tips for the Blogger-preneurs (A fresh take)
So, if your here, I’m pretty sure you have read or seen quite a few productivity tips, hacks, ideas, … I mean the list goes on. But how realistic are they for a blogger’s life? I mean seriously girly… Can…
Women’s Health: The Benefits Of Drinking Tea Daily.
So, I know how hard it is to stay on track when it comes to clean living. With everything going on in your life it seems that your health is the last thing on your to-do list. But I have…
How To Repair Damaged, Dry Hair
So, every 7 years or so your body changes. This includes your hair. These tips will also work for color damaged hair. But this tips are for those people who have been doing everything their suppose to do and out…